Grand Format Embroidery and Mylar

This project was so much fun!

Sometimes I get a little carried away with adding bling. Someone needs to restrain me. Seriously. But when I have an embroidery area that is twelve feet long, it’s easy to let my imagination run wild!

I didn’t have to hoop, and rehoop, and rehoop…. just to get an embroidery that fits a 60 inch table runner. I could do it all in one pass! No stabilizers! The back of my table runner looks as nice as the front does.

Back to the bling….. I stitched this table runner on a black fabric that I cross-hatched with a 3/8 inch design in the back ground. I love the way it looks when a small cross-hatching is washed and thrown in the dryer. After a little checking, I discovered that Mylar for embroidery can go through the washer and dryer without any harm or change to it. Perfect! I enlarged my design from Embroidery Library, brought it into Grand Format Embroidery on my Innova quilt machine, and pressed GO! Pinning a layer of Mylar under each flowered area was simple. All you have to do is tear away the excess, and then move to the next area. When the runner was complete, I added my beads. Like I said, someone needs to restrain me because I am having way too much fun! Click on the video below to see the entire project.


Antique Quilting In A Modern Way